Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Our Teacher is Wonderful!

Margaret was reading to the residents of the care facility where Dad Jespersen lives.  After the story I was sitting in the living room, and Ruby (who is in her late 80s), and who suffers from dementia walked in.  She saw me and broke out in a big smile, and said, “Do you know what? Our teacher is wonderful!”  She was referring to Margaret who had just read to them several stories from the excellent children’s book, “The Jesus Storybook.”

“Our teacher is a real Christian from the inside out!” Ruby continued.   “She really knows how to read a story.  It is as if she wrote it herself.  She lives it!  She teaches us everything that we missed learning before.  Our teacher is really wonderful!  She is amazing!”

No matter what we do in life as Christians, let us make sure, we live that others can say of us, “They are really wonderful!  They are Christians form the inside out!”

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