If you are interested in my personal opinion, I shall put it like this: quite apart from my believing the Bible to be the inspired and authoritative word of God, on scientific grounds alone I have never been able to accept the theory of evolution. The difficulties I am left with, if I accept the theory of evolution, are altogether greater than the few residual difficulties I am left with when I accept the biblical record. But lest you may think that this is simply my own opinion, let me read you one or two statements from some authorities in these matters for you to see how I substantiate my statement. There was a biologist called Delage, who believed in evolution, and this is what he said: ‘One is or is not a conformist (that is to say, a believer in evolution) not so much from motives deduced from natural history as from motives based on personal philosophic opinion.’ Here is a man who believes in evolution and he says what really determines a man’s view is not so much his scientific knowledge as his scientific opinion. He goes on to say; ‘If one takes his stand upon the exclusive ground of fact, it must be acknowledged that the formation of one species from another species has not been demonstrated at all.’ And that was a man who believed in evolution and was a great biologist. Read more ...
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