Wednesday, December 17, 2014

How Did You Come to Come to Faith in Christ?

Recently I asked a short term worker from the US to the Philippines how she came to Christ? She thought for a moment and in a boring tone said, "I don't really know. I've always been religious but about two years ago I decided to get serious about God." The conversation then ended as she changed the subject.

That same day I asked a little worker at the guesthouse, where we are staying while in the Philippines, the same question. In the midst of her work she immediately answered very enthusiastically, "Oh, it was a long five-month period. Our family in the providence was very poor, and I had to work as a young girl to help support the family. The wife of the boss became a Christian and started a Bible study for the workers. I did not want to go, but to keep my job I thought I had to go. We studied the Bible April, May, June, July, and August. The Lord began to open my heart to the truth of the Gospel through His Word and on September 25, I trusted Christ as Savior!" She glowed as she spoke and almost bounced up and down! Now that is a testimony that draws others to the Truth. 

How is yours?

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