By Todd Braye
The best of men are men at best, and included amongst all
sinners. The category is not reserved for terrorists, drunks, homosexuals,
liars, rapists, child abusers, or even big city mayors. Christ, the sinless
one, came to save all kinds of sinners, not just the obvious rebels.
“Christmas is for kids.” I don’t know how many times I’ve
heard that in my forty-seven years. Whether school plays, church Christmas
concerts, or family gatherings, many December festivities focus on our
children. And, of course, who doesn’t spend much energy and hard-earned money
on their children (and grandchildren) during ‘The Most Wonderful Time of
the Year?’ Marketing strategy banks on the growing expectations of our wee
ones. Television specials often target children; as I write I soon expect
a deluge of old favourites such as ‘Rudolph’ and ‘Frosty.’ Even the modern day
Santa with his flying reindeer and incredible – if not impossible –
capacity to deliver to every household in every part of the world every
toy ever requested by every boy and girl serves to cater to
the fascination, imagination and delight of every child.
Biblically, there are several issues which could be
addressed in response to these things. But I limit myself to just one. The
statement made by so many – even inside the ranks of the
professing church – that ‘Christmas is for kids’ is terribly
misguided. As defined and celebrated by the church, Christmas is not for
children per se, but for sinners. After all, though not a biblically instituted
observance, it historically has been the annual holiday marking the birth of
Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And it must be said: the intense focus on kids
ironically, if not tragically, eclipses the glory of the incarnation with a
shroud of child worship. Nevertheless, the spotlight shines on one particular,
special Child! The Apostle Paul writes:
“It is a trustworthy statement, deserving
full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners,
among whom I am foremost of all” (1Timothy 1:15).
This ‘trustworthy statement’ demands that we note two
First, it beckons that we consider the person of Jesus
Christ. Space limits what I can say here. However, consider at least this
much: Christ Jesus came into the world. He who is the sovereign ruler
of the universe became a humble servant. He who is eternal and transcends
time entered into and became subject to time. The One through whom and by whom
all things were made took the form of that which was made. Vacating the
incomprehensible glory of His heavenly and holy throne, exchanging it for
an earthly and common feeding trough, Christ, God of very God, took on
humanity. By leaving His home, he left majesty for misery, and the dwelling
place of righteousness for a world of wickedness. This is how God loved
the world: He sent His Son into the world.
Second, this “trustworthy statement” commands that we
reflect on the mission of Jesus Christ. He came into the world “to save
sinners.” In understanding just who these sinners are, it is intensely
instructive for us to consider that Paul, the human writer of these words,
considered himself to be “foremost of all.” How could this be? Is it not
true that Paul was the human author of thirteen New Testament books, an
apostle of Christ Jesus according to the will of God (1 Cor. 1:1)
and blameless according to that righteousness which is in the Law of Moses
(Phil. 3:6)? Is it not true therefore that the Apostle Paul was “a good
person?” How could it be that he numbered himself among sinners, even as the
“foremost of all?”
When the great apostle penned these words, he was near
Doubtlessly, he was a very godly man. His unflinching
devotion to Christ at great, personal cost oozes from the pages of the New
Testament. However – let the reader get this – as a blameless, extremely moral
and devout Jew, zealous for the Law of Moses and his ancestral traditions,
Paul, as the best of the very best of men, formerly blasphemed the name of
Christ and persecuted those who loved Christ. Before God lavished His grace upon
Paul in conversion, Paul (Saul) “was ravaging the church, and entering house
after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison” (Acts
8:3). Paul knew the depths of his sinfulness. His former opposition to
Christ and His church, which he once considered a zealous service for God, was
now exceedingly sinful to him.
What is the upshot of this?
Simple. The religious and morally upright are not exempt
from sin. The best of men are men at best, and included amongst all sinners.
The category is not reserved for terrorists, drunks, homosexuals, liars,
rapists, child abusers, or even big city mayors. Christ, the sinless one, came
to save all kinds of sinners, not just the obvious rebels. As the Apostle
wrote, “All have fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), even the
perfect righteousness of Christ (italics added). Needless to say,
therefore, is that Christmas is for all without distinction. Christ Jesus came
into the world for all kinds of men, and women, and teens. And yes, He came for
kids. As any honest parent knows, and admits, kids are sinners, too. At a very
early age, we express our selfishness and depravity in a thousand ways; no one
teaches us to throw temper tantrums, disobey our parents, or cry until we get
what we crave. These are but manifestations of our inherited sin nature, the
heart of the matter.
From what does Christ save sinners? He saves them from what
He Himself endured. Crucifixion is not the main thing here. The excruciating
pain of the nails was no doubt unbearable beyond description. But the mode of
death is not the thing. What Christ endured for sinners is divine wrath. He
became a curse for us, smitten of God (Isaiah 53:4). Thus, Christ saved a
countless multitude not simply from sin and its punishment, but ultimately from
God Himself (Romans 3:25; 2 Thessalonians 1:9). But He saved them from Him,
however, that they be brought to Him (1 Peter 3:18). What an incredible, joyous
salvation! Amazing gift is this, even God Himself! Why?
Out of the ivory palaces,
Into a world of woe,
Only His great eternal love
Made my Savior go.
Christmas can be a wonderful time of year. Our children love
it. And with warm hearts, we vicariously enjoy it with them. But the holiday is
not just for them. We understand that Christmas is for us.
And we are
convinced that the person and mission of Christ is not based upon any myth or
cleverly devised tale, but upon historical reality [unlike the notion of some
hefty guy in a red suit with a delivery service U.P.S. can only dream of]. This
year, do not let any myth cloud your vision of the person and mission of Jesus
Christ. “It is a trustworthy statement, deserving full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save
sinners …” (1Timothy 1:15). Trust Him!