Thursday, November 7, 2013

Finish the Job

In a football game, I saw one player run many yards for a touchdown.  He "show-boated" and taunted the other team as he ran to the end zone with no one near him. Many times when a player makes a touchdown, they will celebrate by spinning the ball or throwing it to the ground.  This particular player misjudged the goal line and dropped the ball too soon with the other team recovering the ball and scoring!

Often we in leadership do something similar; we near the finish line in life and ministry and drop out of the task the Lord has given us to do. Instead of completing we slow down, consolidate, sit back to a comfortable and safe lifestyle. All of which causes the ministries we lead to falter and slow down, and sometimes even dropping the ball and not completing the task of ministry we have been commissioned to do!

I Corinthians 15:58 is a good verse to remember as we get older and comfortable; we are to "always abound" in living for Christ and ministry!

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