Recently I received a letter, not an email, but a letter
which filled the page. It was not a form letter, but personally written by the
Chief MD and Executive Officer of a major hospital.
He wrote in response to a simple suggestion I made regarding
caring for older and needy patients who arrive at the hospital outside.
The Chief Doctor explained the six new steps the hospital
leaders and staff were now taking to improve their services.
Needless to say, I was shocked at the gracious response and
quick action taken for improvements in the hospital’s already excellent
Do we respond that way in our churches, ministries, missions
and leadership? So often leaders and church leaders react negatively instead of
graciously and humbly, especially to improvements that need to be made in
ministry and church outreach and the care of people!
The Bible says we are not to follow people who are,
"...given to change," but be Christ’s followers who have a desire to
excel in all things and improve in our leadership and ministry to the glory of
It may be, however, that many of us do not want to improve
as that takes work. We are content to remain the same, and, therefore, the
ministry crumbles slowly but surely. Why? Because we are not humble enough to
receive suggestions for improvement and advancement for the sake of the Gospel
and Christ.
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