Tuesday, February 10, 2015

UN Reports Little Girls Raped and Killed Daily by ISIS

Amnesty International and the United Nations reported Thursday February 5, that little girls age 10-12 are raped, forced into marriage, enslaved and killed daily in Iraq and Syria by ISIS. The world leaders talk of basic human rights, so 'where o where' are the world leaders not only speaking against this vile Muslim terrorist wickedness but doing something about it? There are only 40,000 ISIS, so cannot the UK, Germany, Turkey, the Philippines, New Zealand, Australia, the US or Canada together or alone deal with this brutal resurgence of Nazism? As Christians, let us pray for righteousness and the practice of justice by our country's leaders, and also pray for the safety of these little ones of Iraq and Syria. "God be gracious to [these little girls] and bless [and protect them] and cause His face to shine upon [them], that Your way may be known on the earth, Your salvation among all nations." (Psalm 67:1-2)

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