Thursday, October 22, 2009

Covetousness or Gratefulness

"...coveting is not merely a barrier to good human relationships. At root, it is a serious sin against God. It is the sin of ingratitude. If I am truly grateful to God for the things I have, there can be absolutely no room in my heart for covering anyone else's property, status, or anything. But the minute I cover what belongs to someone else, I show discontent with the gifts I have received from the hand of Providence. Gratitude to God precludes covering anything of my neighbor. A grateful heart is a heart so full of joy toward God, the giver of every good and perfect gift, the fountain of all blessing, that it has no room in its chambers for jealousy, envy, or covetousness." (R.C. Sproul, Tabletalk magazine, November 2001)

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