Tuesday, August 16, 2016

What's All This Expert Talk On Missions (My Way is the ONLY Way)

It is sad to be confronted in the media (face book, blogs, e-publications, etc.) by mission experts which are really just opinions (and, excuse me, just plain dumb, stupid and especially un-biblical)!

At a conference for pastors, one mission leader spoke his opinions which came across very powerfully but were certainly not biblical! However, these opinions were accepted as gospel truth by the many pastors and others present. Even though the conference leaders were contacted about this, they continue to have this 'missions expert' speak often.

It is the false teaching that most countries have sufficient doctors, nurses, school teachers, builders, sports personnel, vocational teachers, etc. so they can handle these areas of need and what we, the evangelical church, only need to do is to send trainers of pastors!

Oh really? Is that what we do in the US, in Canada, NZ, the U.K., etc., just train pastors and forget Sunday school, youth programs, men's fellowships, camps, and retreats?

So in a country like the Philippines, with a population of over 100 million with 90 million still without Christ, with several hundred thousand street children and orphans, unreached tribes, millions of neglected poor in slums, severely violent overcrowded prisons, etc., do we not send missionaries to these needy ones? Missionaries with the Gospel, discipleship, and compassionate care?

Yes, we need hundreds of older missionaries to work with the 41,000 untrained pastors of the Philippines, but also hundreds of additional missionaries to serve with the Gospel and compassionate care among the unreached!

So feel free to share opinions about methods, but remember that your methods and opinions are not to take the place of the biblical and clear teaching of obeying the Great Commission!

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