Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Do we look (act) like Jesus?

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come (2 Corinthians 5:17, nasb).

On one occasion I was trying to find some of my wife's (Margaret Jespersen) family near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I was at a conference, had an unexpected long break so drove 20 miles for a quiet visit. The Jespersens are a huge clan and since I had no address with me, I stopped at a busy doughnut/coffee shop to ask directions.

As I stood in line to get a coffee and thinking who should I ask, suddenly an old man sitting with his wife at a nearby table smiled and said, "Hello, you're a Jespersen, aren't you?"

I was very surprised (somewhat shocked) and answered, "No, I'm not a Jespersen."

"Oh, yes, you are," the man and his wife said, "We've been watching you, and saw you come in. You're a Jespersen; we can tell a Jespersen a mile off."

They were surprised when I told them that even though I was not a Jespersen, I had been married to one for about 40 years. I guess, since I have been with this wonderful woman for so many years, we have begun to look alike.

I trust that this is the way it is with Christ and us.

Not only have we become new people in Christ when we become His children by faith, but we also become more and more like Him as we spend time with Him, obey Him, and follow in His steps. Perhaps as we grow in grace and knowledge of Christ we come to the place that people will say to us, "You're a Christian, aren't you? We can tell a Christian a mile off because you look (act) like Christ!"

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