Monday, September 9, 2024

Why Argue with a Fool?

It is not advisable to try to argue sensibly with evil government officials!

They are slaves to their evil policies and will never agree to common sense and truth.
So what do we as Christians do?

In compassion, we simply share the gospel and the truth of God’s Word anyway!

Share the Word about the value of the unborn. Challenge officials to promote adoption (life), instead of abortion (death).

Share the truth of the necessity of national borders and legal immigration (of those who need help), instead of open borders, which result in unlawful activities which are harming many through child trafficking and drugs.

Share the biblical ethics of purity instead of government-sponsored sexual deviancy which is polluting the nation with homosexuality, transgenderism and prostitution.
The world will not listen, but pray the Lord will honor His Word as you share it and bring some to repentance and faith.

“The gospel is the power of God's to salvation.” So let’s live it and share it.

The Lord says, “Come unto Me,” and He also says, “Go Ye!”

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