Our 17-year-old grandson is with us for a week (after working six weeks) before returning to his home and missionary parents and last year of high school in the Philippines. Even though our apartment is very small and he needs to sleep on the floor, he not only keeps things tidy and clean, clears the table after meals, runs errands for us, is polite and kind to all (actually talks as a teenager), but he says "thank you" for everything! Wow! Everything! Yes, wow!
If the Word of God says to be thankful in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18, “In everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”), then why, especially as Christians, are we not thankful in everything?
So many never say thanks, especially children and many adults! Even if you hint, they do not seem to know what being grateful is.
Parents, teach your little ones to look you in the eye and say, "Thank you!" Yes, teach them to say "thank you" for everything!
Why? Because the Bible says so, and as a result, they will grow into teenagers and adults who are kind, grateful, happy, and obedient!
If you do not teach thankfulness to your children, they will be considered by others as selfish, rude, discourteous and, therefore, a future embarrassment to you as parents, grandparents, their few friends, and in the end themselves.
Saying "thank you" for everything will help them, especially if they are extremely shy, not to have a privileged attitude (thinking themselves rich and well-to-do).
Teach your children to write thank you notes for gifts and things done for them by others such as teachers, relatives, church pastors/staff, and many others.
The Word of God says to train a child in the way they should go (Proverbs 22: 6). Let's have faith to practice this ourselves to be thankful. And if we are parents, to teach our children and young people to "be thankful!" to all including Sunday School teachers, pastors, youth leaders, etc.).
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