Thursday, September 10, 2009

The rest of mankind did not repent

by J.N. Manokaran

Swine flu created scare in the minds of people around the world. Earlier it was bird flu that scared the global population. Natural disasters of minor or major proportions keep happening around the world. What is the response of people to such plagues?

“The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality or their thefts.” (Revelations 9:20, 21)

False Gods
With God’s gift of creativity, human beings are able to design and define their own gods. The technological advancement provides tools for creating more such gods. Every day new gods are created to meet a particular need or superstition invented to ward of evil or tool developed to provide self confidence. The super market for spirituality abounds with products and commodities for every need, for every person in accordance to the budget a person could afford.

With aspiration for more power to control their own lives, people start worshipping even demons. It is not worshipping, it is actually trying to appease the demons. Instead of repenting, human being invent some kind of spiritual ritual to ward off the evil.

Violence – murders
Among young people violence has become a life style. A majority of Americans feel that it is their right to own a gun. It is no wonder around five thousand youngsters loose their life in gang violence in US. Ragging, teen murders, suicides, domestic violence, dowry deaths and road rage are indication of violence in the modern culture. People are more driven by negative emotions like hatred rather than positive emotions like love. The tolerance level of people has gone down and so is the virtue of self-control.

Occult practices
Occult practices are glorified, considered as science in several cultures. Human beings are always in pursuit of power and knowledge. Adam and Eve chose both, which resulted in rebellion and disobedience against the Creator. Today humanity is seeking power and knowledge, from any and every source. The source could be legitimate or illegitimate, it doesn’t matter. Occult is becoming widely acceptable, sometimes respectable and becoming part of modern civilization.

Sexual immorality
Sexual immorality needs no description. For postmodern generation, that is over exposed to sex education and drowsed in moral stupor; sex is merely a physical activity between two persons with consent and not commitment. It is like playing a game of tennis. So, premarital sex and extra-marital sex has become normal in the society. Worse still is homosexuals and lesbians having special rights and privileges.

Robbing and looting
Humanity is losing its moral value base that robbing and looting is way of life. Corruption in corporate world, pursuit of profit without ethics, politics without principle and just pursuit of power; media playing the role of false prophet has looted people economically, politically and socially. Human rights violations is a daily news from many corners of the world. Human dignity is robbed by forced marriages, rapes, bonded slavery, war, riots and terrorism. Children are robbed of their innocence.

Call for repentance
God is speaking to humanity, time and again. Plagues or swine flu or tsunami are God’s trumpet call for humanity to repent, forsake sin and follow righteous. Instead humanity seems to devolve deeper into moral and spiritual decay rather than pursuing righteousness. But, there are individuals who are wise, who reflect and understand to ‘kiss the feet of the Son’ and take refuge in Him. (Psalm 2:12) The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. (Proverbs 18:10)

by J.N. Manokaran

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