Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Where are the Missionaries

In traveling the USA, Canada, and United Kingdom, I get caught up easily in the excitement of evangelical happenings, but, even so, I come away with a deep concern. Where is the burden to reach the world with the Gospel?

Hundreds of Christian book titles are being published monthly, yet there are thousands of pastors in developing worlds who still do not have a single Bible commentary or Bible dictionary. Scripture cookies and candies are being sold in Christian bookstores while missionaries are broken-hearted with people starving in countries where they serve. There are Gospel-verse T-shirts, belts, jackets and hats, while thousands of Christians in developing countries wear rags. Christians in North America continue to argue about what is the best version of the Bible when there are still millions without any version of the Word of God!

Our Bible schools, colleges, and seminaries are more modern and nicer. We do not have to be ashamed in any way of low intellectual attainments or facilities. We have really come up in the educational world!

And what about our evangelical church buildings—they are really something else! Old European cathedrals may still have it for grandeur and majesty, but for sheer “football-field” size, the North American Church has really caught the world’s attention.

Yes, the Church has made great strides in the last 20 years. Christians are on T.V., in the movies, politics and sports. Many of these have a very effective positive Christian testimony. But I ask a question. In the excitement, growth and spotlight—where are the missionaries who are needed throughout the world?

It seems to be popular to talk about missions, to have a missions committee, to break last year’s mission’s budget, but where are the missionaries who are being trained and sent out?

Many evangelical pastors and laymen, as well as some of my own friends in North America, look upon missions as good, but not as a priority. Okay for me, but not for them.

The hardest things for me to understand as a Christian is why are there so few foreign missionaries. It is estimated that there are about one million Christian workers in North America, but only 50,000 foreign missionaries! To reach the world’s unreached 3 billion; over 300,000 more cross-cultural missionaries are needed! Not all of these need come from the North American church but many should.

At no other time in history has the Church been as large or as influential or as wealthy, but where are the missionaries? I love the North American Church! If bigger and better buildings need to be built, then build them, but let reaching the whole world be a priority!

Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” The Church needs to send more people. More need to go. The North American Church can rise to its responsibility and opportunity and send many more missionaries to make disciples of all nations.

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