Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Biggest Coward this Side of the Mississippi

“Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7, nasb).  

There are many “fear not’s” in the Bible.  Some say there is a “fear not” for every day of the year (this is not quite accurate, but there are many!).  

I think each “fear not” is for me because I am not a very brave person.  I am intimidated by others, terrified before speaking (even though I speak quite often), and afraid in dangerous situations (especially when in Goma, Zaire in 1994 working with one million Rwandan refugees, with 50,000 people dying in three days, people being slaughtered nightly, walking through the bodies each morning).

Recently I woke in the middle of the night afraid about the future of the country that I live in with its socialism, aggressive abortion, debt, jobless millions without hope of employment, and the economy and morality going down daily.  Fearing in how are we in missions going to support the work around the world. 
It was good to be challenged in1 Peter that fear and worry is a source of pride.  We think we are in charge when the terrible situation we face in the world can only be handled by God.  Even in a dangerous, difficult, sinful world, God will take care for His own.

“Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7, nasb). 
So, dear friend, let’s do that today.  Let’s cast our fear, anxiety, worries on God, because He cares for us as His children.

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