Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Hard Life for a Street Child

By Adam Hussey, ACTION Philippine missionary

Recently as I was approaching an escalator in Manila, Philippines, I noticed a young boy lying on the ground in front of the moving stairs. His feet, legs and arms were covered with black soot from the dirty sidewalks and streets. He looked very peaceful sleeping on his mattress of cement and pillow made of cardboard. His hands were crossed and placed lightly on his chest and I couldn’t help but wonder, “Why is this boy able to sleep so peacefully? How long has he been sleeping out on the streets in these conditions? Is he so exhausted that he doesn’t even notice the people stepping over him to get onto the escalator?”

The loud horns of the busses, the roar of people moving about and talking, and the vendors selling their goods on the street all seemed to be muffled as I stared at this young boy. It broke my heart to have to step over him. It’s a natural reaction to reach out to help save this boy from his condition. I thought, “But what can be done? What should be done? What is our part in all of this?” I was almost depressed about having to step over him, but then I remembered the organization with which I am associated. Action International Ministries works with street kids in a very unique way. Of course, children are fed and clothed, but it does more than that. We share the Gospel and love of Christ with street children and orphans. They are discipled and mentored. We offer vocational training, practical life skills, and to live a Godly life in Christ. It’s more than just food and clothes; it’s about raising up spiritual generations through the efforts of others reaching out to those in need. It’s more than words; it’s putting those words into action.

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